Listed below are some helpful tips to maximize results from your healing session.

  • Enjoy an epsom salt bath the evening after your session

  • Avoid alcohol for 2-3 days after your session

  • Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet Avoid processed foods for the next 2-3 days

  • Drink plenty of water to help release any toxins

  • Use a journal to write down your feelings as they arise

  • Spend time outside, take off your shoes and put your feet on the earth. This will help ground any residual negative energy from the session.

After Care Instructions

Thank you so very much for trusting me with your healing experience. I hope you found it to be enjoyable and that you may receive the utmost benefit from your session. Energy healing has been used for thousands of years to help us become more in-tune with ourselves and to help us align mind, body, and soul. Because of the energy shift in your body, you may notice that you feel emotional or disconnected after your session. If your treatment included the release of trauma or the cleansing of blocked chakras, you may notice physical symptoms such as gastrointestinal bloating or discomfort for the next few days. It is normal to experience heightened emotions over the next few days as your energies settle. It is important to acknowledge these feelings and allow yourself plenty of space to process these emotions as they arise.

Client Feedback

Please take a moment to let us know how we are doing. We are so honored that you have chosen us to be part of your spiritual journey.